Take your dog out for run!

Bring dog out for jogging
Bringing a dog walking is a daily activity you must do. This is useful for you and your dog to be healthy. It also brings you and your dog closer. The first thing to remember is to check the dog's veterinary medicine before. This is particularly important if your dog is overweight or old. The second thing you need to know is to wait until he is older than one year before taking it out for a walk or run. 

The next thing is to make sure your dog's breed (if they breed dogs who like to walk or run) as well as genetic and physical features. Last but not least, you need to know is to never indulge just before or after feeding.

Before you begin, prepare a collar and leash. Make sure the collar fit, not tight and not too loose. Do not forget to bring a bottle of water for you and your dog to drink. Choose a safe route and not busy with road traffic and road surface is not rough. Most importantly, make walking and running fun activities! Do not put pressure on him and do not make it too tired.

What you need to do when bringing out your dog:

1 You must be a person outside the door first, followed by your dog. This also applies when you return home. Let the dog into the house before you. This will show your dog that you are the leader.

2 Bring your support at the beginning when your dog / puppy first learned how he was on-leash. If the dog does not know what to do, show it. Walk slowly and let the dog lead you first. After a while, you can lead the dog instead.

3 Walking with the same speed. Not too slow or too fast.

4 Do not let your dog leave your side. If the dog is in front of you, stop moving altogether and wait for the dog to stop as well. Walk side by side with one another.

5 Do not let your dog roam / sniffing each object / chase something / etc that will distract your dog from walking (or running).

What you need to do when a dog ran:

1 You need to start running program slowly. You really have to start with a walk, even if your dog is energetic. Start bringing your dog to walk long distances.

2 After a week or more, combine the activities of walking with running. If your dog from behind, slow down. Reduce the continued activities of walking and running-added activities within approximately a week to week until the dog he used to run.

3 Rest your dog for a day after one day of running.

Overheat dog
When walking or running, check signs of trouble that can mean dehydration, stroke, overheating, and fatigue. Immediately stop and take the medicine veterinarian if your dog excessive panting, foaming at the mouth, seizures, sudden stops and weakness in the limbs. Another thing you need to do while walking or running is to ensure that if your dog defecate in the middle of the road, you must clean it up! When you finish walking or running, check the soles of your dog's feet to see if any cuts or abrasions. Do not forget to give praise and give the dog treats if the dog walk or run activities properly.


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