How to get over smell from dog

Smelly dog is really unpleasant to be approached. Don't underestimate smell in dogs because it can be signs of disease. Here are some steps to help ward off various types of smell in dogs.

1. Bad breath

Dog bad breath
Bad breath may be a buildup of plaque on your dog's teeth. Visit your veterinarian to do the scraping occasionally, learn how to brush your dog's teeth, or give him chew toys and biscuits to help keep teeth clean. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste made for dogs. You can also give your dog breath mints for dogs.

Give your dog eat dry food only to prevent the buildup of plaque. Colloidal silver may help reduce the bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath and tooth decay. Some dogs may have a foreign object lodged digusi of chewing activity. Wood chips and other objects may be lodged at the root of the infection and cause the dog breath odor. This requires the removal by a veterinarian.

2. Smell from dog's ears

Ear's smell
Dogs that have ears that fall (a drop-eared) often have problems with ear infections and this causes the ear smell bad. This is because moisture was trapped and providing the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, ear mites and fungi. Your veterinarian can prescribe medication for a serious infection but you can help keep your dog's ears clean.

Try dilute vinegar to remove ear wax, but only if there are no infections or open wounds. You can wipe the ear with colloidal fluid or mineral oil. Hydrogen peroxide can help clean your dog's ears, or a few drops of olive oil that has been soaked overnight with one clove of garlic.

Wipe the ear where the ear wax cloth looks and also folds ears. Next, spray the cleaning fluid and brush your dog's ears to ear in a circular motion. After that, take a cotton ball, place it just below the earplugs, and dongakkan dog's head. Automatic dirt will be absorbed by the cotton ball. Finally, take a cotton ball and gently clean and remove any remaining fluids ears.

3. Smelly coat

Dirty dog's coat
Greasy coat can cause odor - causing the dust and dirt more easily stick, but shampooing too often can dry out your pet's skin and cause allergic reactions and infections. Use oatmeal conditioner, or baby powder, or baking soda and brush ketubuh dog regularly, not shampooing.

A thick undercoat which can cause odor in dogs because it never actually dry after dishampoo or after being outside. Professional Groomer recommend the "dryer" to get your dog coat to dry completely and eradicate the odor.

Collar dog can also cause bad smell. Rinse collar with water detergent or liquid soap. Be sure to rinse thoroughly and dry in the sun until completely dry before replacing it on your dog. Do not forget to always clean the beds and dog kennels on a regular basis. If the problem continues, take your dog to the vet.

4. The smell from secretion section

Secretion's smell
Trimming pubic hair around your dog's fur can reduce the affected dog's urine and feces during urination / large. Check with your groomer or your veterinarian about your dog's anal glands. When these sacs full, foul odor may arise. You can learn how to clean these pockets of yourself or you can ask a groomer or veterinarian to take care of it.

5. The smell comes because of food or beverage

Dog food smell
Many people report that pet odors change when changing brands of dog food. Dog food is high starch and low in fatty acids can improve your dog's skin condition and reduces unpleasant odors. You also can change the dog food to be food self-made (homemade). Some dog food produced at the factory can lead to dog flatulence, have bad breath, or have a dull coat and smelling. Do not forget to perform regular physical activity for your dog to improve overall health and reduces the dog's digestive related to smell.

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