How much water should dog drink?

Water for dog
Water for your dog is very important because many benefits for your dog. Water serves to carry nutrients throughout the body and also a lubricant for the body's tissues and helps in the detoxification process. In addition, water also helps in regulating body temperature. Monitor your dog's water intake to improve health, prevent disease and ensure they are not dehydrated or over hydration. Too little water intake can cause dehydration in dogs, kidney stones, organ failure and even death and too much water intake can cause stomach bloated, electrolyte imbalance, and hyponatremia (water intoxication). Please note that if your dog is drinking too little or drinking too much, it could be a sign of disease so you should bring your dog to the vet if he did one of two things.

There is no fixed amount of water intake of dogs that must be taken daily. This depends on a number of reasons, such as diet, temperature, and how much exercise he does. Usually, a dog with dry food will drink more than a dog with canned food to compensate for water deficit. If the temperature is hot and training increases, the need for water will increase.

You never can know with certainty how much water he drank because dogs can drink from a source other than the water bowl. However, on average, intake of healthy dogs drink about ½ to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. When viewed from age, puppy need about ½ cup every two hours while senior dogs tend to monitor themselves naturally. At the time of exercise, carry water with you. Give your dog a little water at the end of the exercise or during rest.

To check for dehydration in dogs, take a piece of skin at the nape of your dog. Pull slowly and release. If the skin back slowly and formed a "tent", it means your dog is dehydrated. You can also check his gum, gum dull and sticky means dehydration. As for over-hydration, dogs will often vomit, act confused or become lethargic.

You should not give him water when he vomited because water can produce more vomit, and the reduction of vital body salts. Conversely, there are times when you should encourage him to drink, for example, when he has a urinary infection in the zone, or gallstones.

Tips for dogs who drink less, do the following:
1. Praise him and give him treats every time he went for a drink
2. Place the water near where he usually sits or chatting (bed, food, etc.)
3. You can add a package of dog taste into the drink to make it more tempting
4. If he's still not drinking enough, give him some chicken or beef broth and gradually add water to the mix
    Tips for the dog that is too much to drink, do the following:
    1. Ration portion of the water in his dog bowl
    2. Try using water feeder for rabbits in the crate your dog to control the water intake


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