Take your dog out for run!

Bring dog out for jogging
Bringing a dog walking is a daily activity you must do. This is useful for you and your dog to be healthy. It also brings you and your dog closer. The first thing to remember is to check the dog's veterinary medicine before. This is particularly important if your dog is overweight or old. The second thing you need to know is to wait until he is older than one year before taking it out for a walk or run. 

The next thing is to make sure your dog's breed (if they breed dogs who like to walk or run) as well as genetic and physical features. Last but not least, you need to know is to never indulge just before or after feeding.

Before you begin, prepare a collar and leash. Make sure the collar fit, not tight and not too loose. Do not forget to bring a bottle of water for you and your dog to drink. Choose a safe route and not busy with road traffic and road surface is not rough. Most importantly, make walking and running fun activities! Do not put pressure on him and do not make it too tired.

What you need to do when bringing out your dog:

1 You must be a person outside the door first, followed by your dog. This also applies when you return home. Let the dog into the house before you. This will show your dog that you are the leader.

2 Bring your support at the beginning when your dog / puppy first learned how he was on-leash. If the dog does not know what to do, show it. Walk slowly and let the dog lead you first. After a while, you can lead the dog instead.

3 Walking with the same speed. Not too slow or too fast.

4 Do not let your dog leave your side. If the dog is in front of you, stop moving altogether and wait for the dog to stop as well. Walk side by side with one another.

5 Do not let your dog roam / sniffing each object / chase something / etc that will distract your dog from walking (or running).

What you need to do when a dog ran:

1 You need to start running program slowly. You really have to start with a walk, even if your dog is energetic. Start bringing your dog to walk long distances.

2 After a week or more, combine the activities of walking with running. If your dog from behind, slow down. Reduce the continued activities of walking and running-added activities within approximately a week to week until the dog he used to run.

3 Rest your dog for a day after one day of running.

Overheat dog
When walking or running, check signs of trouble that can mean dehydration, stroke, overheating, and fatigue. Immediately stop and take the medicine veterinarian if your dog excessive panting, foaming at the mouth, seizures, sudden stops and weakness in the limbs. Another thing you need to do while walking or running is to ensure that if your dog defecate in the middle of the road, you must clean it up! When you finish walking or running, check the soles of your dog's feet to see if any cuts or abrasions. Do not forget to give praise and give the dog treats if the dog walk or run activities properly.

How to save your dog from poisoining?

Curious dog
Dogs are curious creatures and want to investigate and this is one of the triggers a lot of cases of poisoning. Poisons can enter the body in 3 ways: through the skin (usually liquid), by inhaled (gas), or by eating (solid or liquid) which is the most common problems. It is your responsibility as dog owners to keep all dangerous products tightly closed and out of the reach of your dog.

Some signs of poisoning that may occur are excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, twitching, nervousness, convulsions, coma, and the smell of chemicals in the body (if your dog seizures, loss of consciousness, or has trouble breathing, immediately take medicine or the local animal emergency clinic immediately.) Below are haly you can do before the dog was taken for further examination and treatment.

If your dog is exposed to toxic fluids through his skin, hair clippers that have been contaminated with these fluids. The next step is to wash the contaminated area with dog shampoo or baby shampoo, then rinse thoroughly. Wear gloves to avoid toxic fluids.

If your dog inhaling poisonous gases, remove the dog from the area and take it to the fresh air and open immediately. Flush the eyes of dogs with saline solution or clean water. If the dog is not breathing, feel the heartbeat by placing your fingers about 2 inches behind the dog's elbow, the middle chest. If the heart is not beating, perform CPR. If the dog is still breathing, perform artificial respiration.

If your dog to swallow liquids or food hazardous / toxic, give the dog hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Making the dog vomit will eliminate some toxins that have been entered into the body and you will gain time until he was treated by a veterinarian. To make your dog vomit, get your dog's head back and spray of hydrogen peroxide towards the back of his tongue. If he does not vomit after 10 minutes, try again. Do not give more than two doses of hydrogen peroxide! Also, do not use the product over-the-counter use by humans.

Help your dog from poisoning soon!
Do not induce vomiting if your dog has eaten caustic chemicals such as cleaning fluids because the poison will cause a burning sensation when passing throat. Immediately wash the mouth and face with water and then give the dog something to neutralize the chemicals, such as 3 teaspoons vinegar / lemon juice diluted in the same amount of water or milk.

After poisoning, every minute is very meaningful. If the dog passed out it means poison has reacted and you have to take him to the vet immediately. It is also important to have to get medical help even if your dog does not look sick. Dogs that poisoning may appear normal for several hours or even days after the incident.

Are you sure to have more than one dog?

Lot of dogs
Sometimes one just is not enough then you decide to keep the dog anymore. Having more than one dog can be very enjoyable but there are some things to consider before you take the risk. If you have only ever had one dog in your home, add one or more dogs are going to make the atmosphere becomes more lively and fun but it also means you have more obligations and challenges. The first question you should ask yourself is how social your dog today. If your dog is friendly enough to introduce the new dog will be much easier. If your dog is not too friendly, does not mean it is impossible to introduce a new dog, all you need is time and training.

Different stuff for 2 dogs
1 Think carefully selected second dog (or third, etc.) by doing research first. Some breed dogs better with a partner while others prefer to be alone. Try to choose a dog in the same dog breed you have. This will help you with training a dog because you are familiar with this type of breed of dog.

2 If you have a puppy, and then you decide to have a puppy again, make sure you are ready to challenge and task is more difficult because the puppy needs more attention and care than adult dogs. Some tips to help:
  • Crate is very valuable to get one-one training time with each dog. Put the two together in crate puppy when you're not there and if you're there, put a puppy in the crate while you spend time with another puppy.
  • Buy two puppy needs separately; leashes, blankets, beds, etc.
  • Use different colors for all things dog needs (blankets, leashes color, etc.) even if the puppy is not similar to each other.

Two dog playing
3 The first meet between your dog and new dog will be able to determine how to keep their relationship on, good or bad. If at all possible, try to arrange a neutral meeting place, away from home. Allow the dog to become familiar with each other and then gradually move into your home. If you adopt from shelters, take your dog to meet potential new dog to see if they will accept each other.

4 Spend special time one on one with each dog you for the attention and training. Dogs require individual attention from you without competition with other dogs and individual training sessions so that each dog can focus. You have trained the first dog and he will make your second dog to be faster to understand and it makes training a dog becomes a little easier. Dogs have a tendency to copy the behavior of one another.

Fighting like playing
5 Having more than one dog it means you have to deal with fights between dogs. Most of these fights will not be serious and will stop quickly. The most common cause of this fight is the ranking: the dogs need to find out for yourself who is the leader among them. It would be more helpful if you buy two separate dog crate and placed in a different location because this will help the dog determine their hierarchy. How to keep the fights to be serious is to castrate them (the hormone that explosive play a big factor in the aggressiveness of the dog) and for you to strengthen the pack order. To determine the pecking order, you can start with your first dog as a dominant by allowing him to receive your caresses at first, became the very first to be given treats, and the first allowed to eat.

6 When determining the hierarchy, you should pay attention to where the dog is more dominant and prominent. Even if your first dog does not become the leader (alpha dog), you should still follow this rule. Give your dog eat in order of hierarchy, by specifying the leader dog food bowl down first. Let him out the door first, and do not quibble if he monopolizes your affection.

More dog more care
7 Caring dog more than one of course the pleasure was doubled but this also means that you are spending more (dog food, leashes, health costs) time and more energy was drained. The same principle applied to have two dogs also applies to a three-and four dogs or more; that this is best left to experienced dog owners. So, if you think you are really ready to be a liability and more challenging to have more than one dog, just do it!

Prevent dog lost or stolen

Watch your dog
As a dog owner, one of the most frightening thing that could happen is the loss of your beloved dog. Some dogs lost because they were out of the yard or explore new areas and then he did not find a way home while some others are missing by stolen. Learn how to protect your dog to avoid lost or stolen and the steps that will help increase the likelihood your dog back safely if the worst happens.

Be a responsible dog owner

Responsible for your dog means to protect himself, watching and knowing where he was at all times. Avoid leaving your dog alone in the yard. Dogs love to make friends and will become easily bored if left alone. If they are bored, they will try out a variety of ways, jump or climb fences, or dig out from under the fence. In addition, dogs left alone can be stolen easily. Secure the fence and watch your dog. Do not let your dog run without a leash in the area open. Be careful when opening the door so your dog does not run out. Avoid leaving your dog in car. Make sure the safety of leashes and collars.

Fit the collar with ID on your dog

ID dog collar
Your dog should always wear a collar, and dog collar should have identification. Take time to find the best collars and ID tags for your dog and put on his neck. If your dog is found, this ID will help him return safely to your hands. Make sure the collar fit and not loose.

Always use a leash on your dog

Leash your dog
Sometimes you may be tempted to let your dog run without a leash. Perhaps you are in an empty park and think your dog will not run. In fact, each of you let the dogs run without leash area is open, you take risks. Even trained dogs can escape. A small animal or predatory instincts can generate a loud noise could scare the dog, so he fled. If your dog out of your sight, he is unlikely to find their way home. A dog can wander injured or even stolen. Using a leash is best to keep your dog visible.

Special microchip for your dog

Microchip for your dog
Microchip-sized as small as grains of rice and implanted under the skin between your dog's shoulders. This is a great way to permanently identify your dog, as the chip can be read by special scanners. They can not fall like a collar and long lasting. If your dog is scanned and the chip is found, can be traced back to you. This not only makes it easier for you to get your lost dog back, it also proves that your dog is yours if he's stolen. Be sure to keep your contact information current with the microchip company. In addition, it is still important to use a collar on your dog's neck with ID if your dog ends in the place where there is no scanner available.

Travel safely with your dog

Traveling with your dog can be fun, but safety is an important trip. Make sure that you are careful while traveling. If your dog flying, make sure the crate is safe and clearly visible identification. On the way, be careful to keep her from running out when the car door open. If he fled, be in a new place makes it more difficult for him to rediscover his way (and probably difficult for you to be contacted). Also, as mentioned earlier - do not leave him alone in the car.

Train your dog

A good obedience training is important for various reasons. If your dog is trained, you are more likely to be able to stop him when he started to walk without direction. In general, the store treats is a good idea if one day you need to call your dog. In addition, commands such as 'stay' or 'wait' can help you keep your dog not to blur.

What you do if your dog being lost or stolen

If your dog is lost or stolen, you must take immediate action. If you suspect theft, contact your local law enforcement. Make a poster that says that your dog is lost, contact the hospital and local animal shelters, go around your environment. Ask friends, neighbors and family members to help them. Most importantly, you must act quickly and do not despair.

How to choose the best dog carrier for your dog

Dog carrier
A dog carrier offers a convenient way to transport the puppy or your adult dog. Dog carrier will still provide security for your dog and also you as the owner. When choosing a dog carrier there are important things that need to be considered first. After that all are met, you can find the appropriate style and personal taste. There are several styles, materials and size of dog carrier you can choose, some suitable only for small breed dogs only, while others can accommodate any size dog.

The things you want in the dog carrier is: durable, easy to clean, easy to use, can be used for air or sea travel, lightweight and stable. Your dog carrier also must have a mechanism for secure closure and lots of air holes or windows. Your dog carrier should make your dog feel safe and comfortable. Of course, a dog carrier that attractive and can be changed as you wish it had its own added value. The size of your dog carrier dog should match the size of your dog. Last but nonetheless important is the dog carrier must have a clear warranty.

To help you choose the perfect dog carrier for your dog, consider the following factors:

1. Determine what the main purpose of dog carrier

If you would often bring your dog, lightweight carrier that is the most fitting choice. If the carrier will be more frequently used at home, you should choose a carrier that is more heavy and bulky. If a dog carrier will be used for air or sea travel, you need to use a solid plastic carrier with wire door, depending on the airline regulations. If you have a small dog, you might want to carriers which looks more like a handbag so you can carry your dog everywhere.

2. Consider the size of your dog

Dog carriers come in various shapes and sizes. Most dog carrier will include height and weight type of dog that would be appropriate for the carrier. It is recommended that the dog carrier has enough room for the dog stand up and roll over without difficulty and felt cramped.
  •  Dog carriers for small dogs
Small dog carrier
If you have a breed of small dog, the dog-shaped carrier bag most suitable for use. These types of dog carriers like the bag was taken as usual. Some models allow you to strapped into car seats, making travel by car is safer for your dog. Another common type is the dog carrier in the form of backpacks. You can use a dog backpack carrier for dogs which is slightly larger and some models can be converted into car seat for a dog. There is also another option called a sling. It has features that are associated shoulder strap, storage pouch, and the bottom is soft and comfortable. It's made of sturdy nylon fabric and can accommodate dogs weighing up to 10 kg.
  • Dog carriers for big dogs
Big dog carrier
For larger dogs, you have three choices: a portable crate, plastic crate, and crate wire. They used not to carry but to transport your dog by car / plane / ship. Portable Crate is made of soft material and can accommodate a dog whose size is too big for the duffel bag or backpack. Some of the commercially available portable crate had a handle. Because of very light, and when folded does not meet the place, portable crate is easy to use while traveling.

Plastic crate similar to a portable crate, only they are made of hard plastic. They come in various sizes and not like other dog carrier, plastic crate can be used to transport a dog on the plane because it met the flight rules for pet travel domestically and internationally.

A wire crate is not really defined as a carrier in the sense you carry it, but rather the means to carry or move the dog in the journey by car. This provides security not only for your dog, but also for the drive. Crate wire offers visibility and better ventilation, it is much easier to clean, and more durable when compared with the two previous crate.

3. Check the carrier material made of what

Dog carrier material
Carrier made of various materials ranging from plastic, mesh, metal or a soft cloth. If your dog likes to chew, you may be better to buy a carrier that is made of metal or plastic rather than soft cloth or net. If your dog handle the situation better if can not see around it, the carrier made from solid plastic or solid fabric to choose from. Carrier that easy to clean is  made from plastic and metal. A carrier made of fabric may need to be washed with soap or rinse with a hose when dirty. There are certain dog carrier made of a kind of cardboard paper and is much more sturdy and durable than plastic. If the carrier is to be wet so they can easily be destroyed or damaged. It is advisable for you to not use a carrier that is made from this material.

4. Check the design and quality

Design and quality of dog carrier

5. Think about your dog's comfort

If your dog screaming, shaking and trying to jump out of the carrier you choose, he may need a little help from you to know that the carrier makes the trip more enjoyable and safe. Teach your dog that the carrier is a safe place. Start by placing treats in the carrier and allow him to jump into the bag to retrieve treats. Place it gently on the carrier. With whom he talked and joked each time you put into the carrier. Take time beforehand to familiarize the dog in the carrier before taking it by using the carrier road.

Drinks that should not be given for the dog

Hygienic water for dog
Water is a important substance for your dog. Water is essential for good health and performance. Keeping your dog get enough water intake will help keep him healthy and active for long periods of time. A dog owner must provide clean and fresh water for their dogs. If the house is guaranteed source of clean water, you can assign a dog to drink tap water. In areas where there are minerals or high levels of contaminants in water content, it is advisable to filter water to improve its quality. If you question the quality of water available, provide bottled water to keep your dog from pain. After a workout or when the dog is too hot, you should not give him cold water because it can surprise the system in the body. Instead, give a small amount of water is cool, not cold. For container, ceramics and plastics may have contaminants that can be transferred to the dog through the water. Use a drinking cup made from stainless steel. Clean and disinfect every day of every month. Water must be replaced at least every 4 hours and the temperature must be fitted, not too cold or hot. Drinking bowl should be discarded if worn or scratched because bacteria can breed in scratches.

Drinks that should not be given for the dog :
  • Milk is not recommended
Many dogs lack the proper enzyme to break down lactose, the sugar in milk. Without the presence of enzymes to break down lactose, the milk will remain undigested and settle in the intestine. This causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. If your dog can tolerate milk, gave him a cup of all-time will not hurt. Milk with a 0% lactose content is the best choice. Milk should not be used as the main source of liquid for dogs.

  • Drinks contain too much sugar
Dog don't drink sugar
Drinks with vitamin or mineral supplements for humans can be dangerous for dogs. Dogs can only tolerate a certain amount of vitamins and minerals that are naturally contained in dog food and water. Drinks that contain a high percentage of sugar can be very dangerous for dogs with diabetes. There is also the artificial coloring and additives that can interfere with the function of the urinary tract and other systems.

  • Whole fruit is better than fruit juice
Dogs can drink fresh fruit juice in small quantities. Any fruit juice for the dog must be free from added sugar, artificial coloring, or other materials. We recommend that you give a dog than for intact and fresh fruit juices.

  • Swimming water
Do not let your dog drink from a chlorinated pool because the water contains chemicals with such high levels of chlorine. If the dog drink pool water, chlorine he swallowed more than they should and also the possibility of swallowing other chemicals. There may also algae, insects, bacteria and other harmful substances in the pool. Small mouthful of pool water will not make your dog sick yet. try to keep from drinking pool water whenever possible.

  • Salt water
Salt water should be avoided as a source of water for dogs. The content of salt harmful to dogs. Salt water also does not provide freshness to dogs and can cause a greater thirst. Excessive levels of salt in the diet can cause health problems dog the other dogs.

  • Water that non hygiene/health
Dog drink dirty water
Tap water is generally accepted as a source of water for the dogs but generally not recommended. If you know the exact amount of total dissolved solids in tap water, you can choose to use it. Water that contains less than 5000 parts per million of total dissolved solids is considered to be given to pets. Tap water may pose other risks if the levels of iron, magnesium, or high nitratnya. All water is not treated can become a harbor parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

  • Cloudy water
The water from puddles and ponds may contain bacteria, parasites, and viruses which are formed from a lack of water movement. Fungal infections due to pathogens that can grow in still water mold and mildew. An organism called Pythium insidiosum thrive and reproduce in stagnant water or grass that has been exposed to stagnant water. Organism that present in water and can cause disease is relatively rare but serious in dogs.

  • Water from toilet / laundry water
Even the cleanest bottled water or boiled will become unsafe as a source of water for the dog if placed in the dirty. Water former laundry and toilet water can contain harmful organisms and bacteria. Toilet water can also contain chemicals used to clean up dangerous for dogs.